Thursday, October 1, 2015

Another Adventure Begins...

It seems that Steve and I can't keep ourselves away from adventure.

Throughout our years together, we have moved into a new home every few years due to being a military family.  Add having kids every couple years to that mix (all boys, including a set of identical twins), and it seems that our lives are never boring.

Steve retired from active duty in 2012, and shortly thereafter we came up with a scheme unparalleled among our acquaintances.  We sold our dream home, got rid of half our belongings, put the rest into storage, found a foster home for our dog, bought one beast of an RV, and hit the open road.  You can read about that amazing adventure in our first blog, Coach and Six .

We came off the road in summer of 2014.  Since then, we have been living a "normal" life, in the quiet suburbia of San Antonio, Texas.

Lo and behold, within a year of our return to normalcy, Steve decided to start applying to a few jobs within the National Park System.  You see, we all fell in love with our national parks while we were traveling, and returning to life in suburbia and working in a sea of cubicles was just too much for us to bear.

On August 6, 2015, Steve was informed that he had been hired to work for Big Bend National Park.

Let the adventure begin...


  1. Karen , are you on Facebook? would love to reconnect :)

  2. The WTM forum is missing you. Check in if you can.

  3. Missing you on the Well Trained Mind Forum. We'd love to hear from you over there. Hope all is well. Check in if you feel up to it.
